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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

GrammaTube - learn everything about the Irregular Verbs in English

GrammaTube - learn everything about the Irregular Verbs in English

Irregular verbs in English are usually one of the “dangerous zones” for the ESL student. The absence of rules to form the past simple and past participle make it necessary to learn them by heart in order to used them properly. Moreover, some of these irregular verbs are quite difficult to pronounce.

This post shows a selection of YouTube videos that contains a list of irregular verbs with explanatory images, English classes with explanations about irregular verbs and exercises.

Grammar can be one of the most difficult skills to develop in English but it is without doubt the key to progress throughout your learning. A good grammar base will help you to write properly and speak in English, hence improving communication with other people.

Good video with a list of irregular verbs and images to learn them

Link to the video on YouTube

Another video that contains a list of irregular verbs with images

Link to the video on YouTube

10 Minute Class: Irregular Verbs Class - part 1

Link to the video on YouTube

10 Minute Class: Irregular Verbs Class - part 2

Link to the video on YouTube

Video with explanations about regular and irregular verbs

Link to the video on YouTube

How to pronounce irregular verbs in English

Link to the video on YouTube

5 less common irregular English verbs

Link to the video on YouTube

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