We’re starting a new section on the blog to Learn English Online. The idea is simple: to use the thousands of available videos on YouTube to improve our English vocabulary.
The main topic of the videos of this post is food and related content of the kitchen and the adjectives to use when describing food.
Remember that vocabulary can only be improved with practice, and listening through repetition. It’s difficult for everyone to understand from the beginning but you’ll notice that the more hours you listen to English, the better your understanding.
Vocabulary about countable and uncountable words – elementary English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary about food – elementary English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary about vegetables, it includes a final exercise – elementary English
Link to the video on YouTube
Video with questions to practice the new vocabulary about food – elementary English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary for children with subtitled video – elementary English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary for children in a funny song – elementary English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary to describe food – intermediate English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary about vegetables – intermediate English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary about the kitchen - intermediate English
Link to the video on YouTube
Vocabulary about fruit and nuts – advanced English
Link to the video on YouTube

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