In this post we present you with the rest of the collection of strange English words that completes the list of “Odd English Words”.
As we usually do, we present the list in a table with four columns: the Word, the Meaning (in English), the Form and an Example of Use (to see the word in context).
This second part includes the last 12 words from the list:
Word | Meaning | Form | Example of use |
To Loathe | To dislike (someone or something) greatly | Verb | She loathes men who smoke. |
A moot point | Something irrelevant / A point or question to be debated | Noun | Until we rebuild downtown, whether we build more parking spaces is a moot point. |
Potation | The act of drinking / A drink, usually alcoholic | Noun | Perhaps his nocturnal potations, prevented him from recognising accents which were tolerably familiar to him. |
To quash | To put down or suppress forcibly and completely | Verb | The general ruthlessly quashed all opposition. |
To rarefy | To make thin, less compact, or less dense | Verb | The bones are rarefied. |
Scrumptious | Delicious or very attractive | Adjective | My grandmother does really scrumptious cakes. |
Sequacious | Slavishly unthinking and uncritical | Adjective | Sequacious media is bad for democracy. |
Swingeing | Severe; punishingly bad | Adjective | BBC newsreaders face swingeing salary cuts. |
Tawdry | Cheap, showy, and of poor quality | Adjective | Those are tawdry Christmas decorations. |
To be on tenterhooks | To be uncertain and anxious about what is going to happen | Verb | He was on tenterhooks about the result of the exam. |
Tinker’s cuss | To be uninterested in something | Noun | I don’t give a tinker’s cuss if it rains all weekend. |
To Villify | To make vicious and defamatory statements about | Verb | The Nazi propaganda villified the Jews. |

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