Did someone say ‘grammar’? How terrible! Yes, grammar could be the thing that you least like studying. So, why do you need it if with some vocabulary to build sentences, speak and understand well when you can already communicate in English with no problems?
Well, it depends on what your goals are, but with a basic knowledge of grammar you can do quite a lot more. Moreover, there is no doubt that if you want to considerably improve, you can’t avoid grammar. It’s the key that will take you to the next level.
We’d like to introduce you to a page whose design might not be spectacular but whose content is excellent. It’s Perfect English Grammar, a website where you’ll find different resources to resolve all the doubts you may have about English grammar.
In Perfect English Grammar you’ll find videos and grammar explanations about a variety of topics such as: Question Tags, Conditionals, Reported Speech, Passive Voice, Irregular Verbs, State Verbs, Relative Clauses, Prepositions, Modal Verbs and Gerunds and Infinitives.
One of the most interesting things on this website is the proposed exercises which you can practise and thus consolidate your knowledge. You’ll also be able to check if your replies are right because the exercises contain the correct answers. These exercises can be completed online or downloaded in PDF format so you can later print them and use them as material in class or at home to study.
Link | Perfect English Grammar

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